You are here: Stocktake > Stocktake Variance Report

Stocktake Variance Report

Once you have entered all the quantity information into the Enter Stocktake screen, a Stock Variation Report can be printed.

This report shows the difference between the quantities entered into the stocktake and the current stock level recorded in Idealpos through sales, returns and write-offs.


To view or print the Variance Report go to Stocktake > Stocktake Variance Report > A screen will display giving you various selections you can choose.


Sort Order

Select to sort either by Code or Description.


Group By

Group the report by Department, Location, Stock Item or Department & Location.



Set a Variance Threshold as a %. Any variance less than this figure will not display on the report.

Decimal Places on Quantities can be set from 0 through to 4. It will depend on the accuracy of your counting and the values used for ordering and indirect items that can affect this.

Cost/Selling Price for Valuation will show the value of the variances based on the selected option.

Select to not show items that have a zero quantity, otherwise the report will be much larger.



Once you have made your selections, you can choose to save the report as a default, so your report is the same each time you view it.



Only stock items that have a recorded variance will display on this report.

It could be something as simple as a missing number in the enter stocktake screen to create a variance.



Any variances can be corrected by finding the cause of the issue and changing the value in the Enter Stocktake screen.